
逊大学 Selects Winning Lecture Capture Solution from Matrox & 整体的视频


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Changing paradigms are reshaping dem和s in the global marketplace; for sales personnel to keep abreast of these changes, they have to adopt modern tools 和 business approaches.

逊大学 is the longest-serving business school in the state of Florida, with more than a century of expertise in the field. 其教育工作者致力于弥合学术与实际应用之间的差距, 为学生提供一流的培训,将课堂学习融入与当今商业环境相关的现实生活中.

Beginning in the fall of 2017, Stetson will launch the Centurion Sales Excellence Program, open to approximately 100 students. 这个主要和次要学位授予计划将提供多学科的学术研究,除了实践培训和技能发展, all while fostering partnerships with businesses throughout central Florida. 

“我之所以被斯泰森吸引,是因为他们的愿景是把这个项目和它的学生带到一个新的水平," 约翰·里格斯解释道, Executive Director of the Centurion Sales Excellence Program. “斯泰森的项目将以独特的结构弥合学术和实际应用之间的差距."


The advent of the Centurion Program lets 逊大学 take advantage of 讲座捕捉技术视频管理 within a single, cost-effective solution. Matrox和整体的视频是一个试点项目的骨干,旨在为整个Stetson媒体生态系统(包括Matrox)提供完整的部署® Monarch™LCS H.264流媒体和录制设备以及整体的视频的内容管理和分发平台. 

"整体的视频 和 Matrox share a belief that video technologies should be simple, 强大的, 和负担得起的,斯科特·纳德赞说, 营销和销售副总裁, 整体的视频. “集成集成视频与Matrox君主LCS提供了一个创新的讲座捕捉和视频管理解决方案,非常适合教育机构. 我们很高兴能成为这个雄心勃勃的试点项目的一部分,因为我们共同推动了讲座捕捉解决方案的界限."

Bridging the Academic/Practical Gap

The epicenter of the Centurion Sales Excellence Program is its innovative facilities, featuring three specialized sales training labs outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment from 整体的视频 和 Matrox; these tools form the lynchpin between learning 和 practice. 在这些实验室里, students will develop 和 hone their skills in sales, practicing role-play with customers with the aid of superior encoding technology.

Matrox Monarch LCS编码器与整体的视频的管理和分发平台配对,以及额外的媒体服务器软件和LMS资产,为斯泰森大学提供独特和创新的讲座捕获安装.

Each lab is equipped with a 君主LCS编码器, connected via the network to the robust 集成视频平台, which centralizes comm和s over the Monarch LCS appliances, the Wowza流媒体引擎™ media server software, 和 the university's designated lecture management system (LMS), 黑板上®. Professors 和 students access the 黑板上 interface to schedule times to use the lab equipment; behind the scenes, 整体的视频 sends the schedule comm和 to the individual Monarch LCS appliances, automatically starting 和 stopping encoding events at the slated times.

Once each scheduled recording is complete, the 集成视频平台 将视频发布到黑板上上,以便学生和教授可以访问最终文件. 回顾Monarch lcs编码的视频片段,以获得音频和视觉线索,以改进是百夫长业务培训的关键要素. 按需访问他们的录音意味着学生可以随时跟踪他们整个学期的进度.

百夫长卓越销售计划的一个独特之处在于课程中内置的同伴指导. Students take on peer review responsibilities, 高年级学生帮助培训一年级学生,让他们掌握有效销售的细节. 君主LCS的特点是 多种工作方式, including picture-in-picture (PiP) 和 side-by-side (SbS); students can select their preferred layout configuration before they record their practice videos.

整体的视频's platform streamlines 视频管理, providing supplemental tools to augment the video recordings. 该平台包括 自动字幕功能, which overlays captions on the Monarch LCS encodings; a unique "search inside" feature lets students 搜索标题 for key words 和 jump directly to points of interest within their videos. 视频可以用评论和笔记注释——直接通过Ensemble平台应用——帮助学生跟踪来自同学和教授的反馈. 与H.264 compatibility 和 the Wowza流媒体引擎, students can use any device, PC, or tablet to access their video content on dem和.

强大的一对, Monarch LCS和集成视频平台为百夫长销售卓越计划提供了灵活性,以鼓励整个学期的学生指导实践, 和 a smooth transition into more formal testing environments come the end of term. 在他们的期末报告中,学生们需要提供一个真实的销售报告, wherein they enter the lab 和 have one opportunity to deliver their address, just as in a live business interaction.


逊大学 has high aspirations for its graduates, 并且相信这个试点项目是推动其学生进入成功销售职位的必要跳板.

“没有什么技能比成为一个有效的、有说服力的沟通者更重要, 和 that is the key to the success of our students," 尼尔·梅罗博士说.D.斯泰森大学(逊大学)工商管理学院院长、管理学教授. With state-of-the-art technology at their comm和, 斯泰森大学热切地期待着将他们的试点计划推广到三个校区的全面部署.

“视频编码技术已被证明是有效体验式学习的一个组成部分, especially in sales training," noted Francesco Scartozzi, director of sales (Americas), Matrox. "Matrox Monarch LCS with the 集成视频平台 offers a 强大的 和 灵活的, yet cost-effective solution for both ad-hoc 和 scheduled sales pitch capture. 这个与Stetson合作的试点项目真正展示了讲座捕获设备在传统和独特部署中使用的潜力,以满足任何安装需求."


成立于1976年, Matrox在设计图形软件和硬件解决方案方面拥有40多年的经验, video, 和 imaging/machine vision applications. Matrox's three divisions - Matrox Graphics, Matrox Imaging和Matrox Video -为各种专业市场的企业和个人提供广泛的现实世界相关OEM和最终用户解决方案, including media 和 entertainment, 金融, 数字标牌, 医学成像, 制造业, 工厂自动化, 安全, 政府, 以及企业计算.


整体的视频 is a 灵活的 video platform that simplifies capture, management 和 delivery of video any time, 通过各种各样的网络. The platform consolidates lecture capture 和 learning management systems (LMS), while integrating features such as metadata, 关闭字幕, 屏幕截图, 视频回放. 整体的视频使全球数百个进步组织能够加速学习, 增加观众参与度, 增进知识共享, 和 reduce the cost of doing business. 整体的视频 offers self-hosted, 云端的, hybrid-hosted 和 multi-tenant deployments, designed to work in concert with a wide range of complementary video 和 web technologies.

Learn How Every Classroom Can Be Equipped with Lecture Capture

Learn about our cost-effective, 灵活的, 和 强大的 lecture capture solution for campuses of any size. Ensemble Studio的讲座捕捉记录和调度系统无缝集成了基于房间的视频捕捉硬件, 媒体服务器, 和 video content management systems for a comprehensive lecture capture solution. 我们的平台不断被市场领导者所选择,因为整体的视频在几个部署选项中支持开放媒体生态系统, allowing you to use integrated tools like 矩阵君主lcsWowza流媒体引擎.

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