


5年后的编码世界会是什么样子? That’s what we wanted to know, and we decided to investigate from two different angles. 第一次是通过335人的调查 流媒体 readers, the second from conversations with vendors in the streaming media space. 让我们先看一下调查数据.


声明一下,我们通过 一篇关于 流媒体 网站,提供一张价值100美元的亚马逊礼品卡作为奖励. 在回答了一些人口问题之后, 调查的重点是技术和实施问题, 收集有关当前实践和2020年计划实践的数据. 您将在下面的七个表中看到数据.

One of the demographic questions asked about annual spending on encoding-related products and services. I thought it would be interesting to see how opinions varied between those at the top of the spending ladder ($500,000或更多), 以及那些花费少于50美元的人,000. 对于每个报告的调查结果, I include data for all respondents and for respondents in these two categories.

The change section on the extreme right of each table reports the changes from 2015 to 2020 in all three categories, 为了更容易发现重要的趋势,它被用颜色编码了. Any negative change of 50 percent or less is colored in yellow; beyond that, it’s colored in red. 所有积极的变化,包括100%都用蓝色表示, 而超过100%的则用绿色表示.


表1 presents where respondents are encoding VOD files now and where they plan to encode in 2020. 如你所见, 大的编码用户正引领着向云的冲锋, 他们已经在云端编码了41%的文件. 到2020年,所有这三个类别中有接近60%的人支持云计算. 变化栏中的绿色数字反映了这种势头. 如果你认为本地编码将会消失, 然而, 看来你搞错了, 预计到2020年,39%的编码将在本地进行.


表2 显示与实时编码相同的数字. 有趣的是, 尽管实时云转码只出现了2到3年, 它的数字非常接近视频点播编码. Big spenders again lead the charge over other respondents, though the numbers are very close by 2020.


表3 显示2015年和2020年的编解码器使用数据. 看一下颜色编码,很明显VC-1和H.264是大输家,而H.265和VP9是最大的赢家. 尽管只有10%的受访者计划使用VP9, 与目前VP9的使用相比,这仍然是一个巨大的数字, and it’s telling that the big spenders anticipate 10 percent of their streams to be VP9. HEVC窃取H的份额.264显然对任何人来说都不是一个惊喜.


世界适应4K/8K的速度有多快? 只是检查 表4. By 2020, close to 40 percent of all video distributed by our respondents will be 4K or larger. 不足为奇的是, 大消费者再次成为4K和8K视频的先行者, 尽管到2020年, 即使是民意测验也会赶上4K, 有29%的流媒体预计是这个分辨率.


表5. By 2020, most pundits would predict that DASH would be the dominant adaptive streaming technology, 哪个表

虽然还有其他有趣的数据. 例如, 大玩家抛弃基于rtmp的Flash的速度比其他受访者快得多, with higher percentages of Smooth Streaming and HDS than the respondents as whole. 然而, the red boxes in the change column shows that big spenders are dumping these technologies in favor of DASH much more quickly than the other groups.

同样有趣的是预测HLS的持续使用, which probably reflects the general consensus that that Apple might never adopt DASH. 除了, 在一些用户看来,Flash可能已经死了, but it looks to be the technology of choice for 20 percent of streams in 2020.


2020年我们将把这些数据流发送到哪里? 表6 shows the stream allocation between computers, mobile, and OTT/ smart TVs now and in 5 years. 电脑正在下降, 但不会掉下悬崖, 以及OTT/智能电视, 目前是消费大户的大本营, 会成为所有百家乐软件app最新版下载越来越关注的焦点吗, 尤其是那些较小的, 增长了141%.


Finally, let’s take a high-level view of the Flash to HTML5 transition, which 表7 shows is a transition that many respondents have made with almost half of their streams. 也许有一天, Adobe经久不衰的插件将成为事后的想法, 但显然到2020年不会, when 22 percent of the largest respondents expect the streams distributed to computers and notebooks to be watched via Flash.




当我们宣布调查结果时 流媒体 网站,我邀请所有想聊天的供应商联系. 一些做, 我还接触了一些关键市场和细分市场的人, 包括本地和云编码公司的个人, 发布商, 和ovp.

第一个研究领域是编码向云的转变, 我们已经知道这是一个重要的趋势. 五年前, cloud encoding and on-premises encoding were two separate markets; today, 大多数本地编码制造商都提供云服务. 在某种程度上, 基本技术 带头冲锋, 2014年初,中国政府发布了一份名为《, “Software-Defined-Video: A Game-Changing Framework for the Video Marketplace.在报纸上, Elemental predicted the demise of ASIC-based encoding in favor of software that could run anywhere, 包括传统的编码设备, 在云端, 在私有云中. Elemental 带头冲锋 to the cloud and is one of the leading cloud encoding vendors.

其他公司也采取了类似的举措. 当我和伊恩·特罗交谈时, 谐波公司.’s 新兴技术和战略高级主管, he said that Harmonic had previously discontinued ASIC-based encoder development in favor of developing for cloud and virtualized environments. 2014年初, 谐波宣布VOS, a virtualized media processing architecture designed to run on public and private clouds (图1). 除了编码, Harmonic has combined multiple other functions that used to require custom hardware, 比如图形和播放, into a software architecture that can run on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. 这些基于软件的体系结构具有多种优势, 包括随需求起伏的可伸缩性, 以及与其他IT功能共享硬件的能力.


Trow sees multiple trends pushing large media companies to the cloud, whether private or public. 一些广播公司使用传统硬件进行线性广播, 对互联网视频进行云编码. 对于这些公司, 随着年轻观众在网上消费越来越多的视频, 这增加了云编码对这些公司的重要性. 其他媒体公司只是更喜欢运营成本而不是资本成本模式, 云编码的传统论点. “五年前,Trow说。, “我们的大多数客户都是100%的本地编码器, 今天,它们可能有90 - 95%是永续的. 到2020年,我预计内部部署的比例将达到60% / 40%.”

除了这些考虑之外,美国邮政总局首席编码官格雷戈里 编码.com他还看到了许多公司转向云计算的其他原因. 例如, 据海尔说, the first generation of cloud encoders essentially implemented “FFMEG 在云端,,而且与本地编码器缺乏可比性, 无论是从特性角度还是从api角度. 现在这个差距已经缩小了,尤其是在编码方面.com, which has focused on adding key workflows such as Dolby Digital Plus and the Nielson Watermarking 编码 Engine. 编码.com也可以在其云平台上运行Harmonic的VOS, 并使用谐波碳编码器的预设进行编码. (Harmonic拥有编码的股份.com.)

超越成熟的云编码平台, Heil says large media companies are now storing their media content 在云端, overcoming their initial security-related concerns that prevented many from encoding 在云端. 除了, faster bandwidths and acceleration technologies have dramatically reduced upload times, while vendors entering the cloud space have reduced the costs of storage and compute. 有趣的是,Heil说编码.Com还将授权其软件用于私有云, 这将有助于公司添加实时线性播放等功能, 哪些在公共云环境中表现不佳.

哪些功能没有迁移到云上? 虽然 Telestream 云服务正在迅速扩张, CTO Shawn Carnahan noted that there is significant transcoding and other processing that occurs prior to and immediately after production, 包括“将相机格式转换为编辑格式, 并编辑输出到夹层以进行分发, 其中大部分可能不适合云部署.” So companies performing production as well as distribution will likely have to retain significant on-premises encoding/transcoding capabilities to support these pre- and postproduction capabilities.


除了演变成功能齐全的编码产品之外, 在过去的5年里,云编码市场变得更加整合, 并将在接下来的五年里继续这样做. In 2010, 例如, 有云编码公司, 现成的播放器供应商, ovp, 和发布商, 而且几乎都只执行一种功能. 现在云编码公司有了分销部门, 例如Bitcodin的Bitmovin OVP(由Bitdash播放器提供支持). 现成的播放器供应商, 例如JW Player, 拥有OVP (JW平台), 而Akamai和Limelight等cdn则提供类似ovp的服务, 包括对手机sdk的播放器支持.

2014年9月, 基本技术, 曾经是一个独立的基于设备的编码供应商, 发射元素三角洲, a video delivery platform that functions as a just-in-time packager and origin server. Elemental公司产品营销高级总监迈克·卡拉汉表示, 一旦Delta在云端运行, 应该很快就会发生, Elemental将是“一个离完整服务OVP还远的玩家”.”

Carnahan sees “more and more encoding being done as part of a service that can handle encoding, 包装, 和分布. 我们认为自己在某个时候会进入快递行业.” 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


编码.com的年度报告显示,H.264的领先优势正在扩大,而HLS在自适应流媒体领域占据主导地位. Flash视频将在两年内消失.


预留云, broadcasters and others trade metered usage pricing for a fixed monthly fee and their own reserved instance.


Learn the best practices for reacting and responding in real-time to issues in an encoding and delivery workflow to ensure a seamless experience for viewers.


虽然Bitcodin仍在开发中,还有一些不完善的地方, 在我们的测试中,它表现出了令人印象深刻的性能和质量.


VOD的编码与实时转码有很大的不同. 以下是你需要知道的,以找到满足你需求的服务.


When an encoding job is highly demanding, it takes powerful gear to create and judge all the files. 以下是适合这项工作的工具.
