
Using Advanced Analytics, AI, 以及机器学习在现代广播环境中降低风险

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的 Challenge Facing Modern Broadcasters

As virtualization transforms the media industry, video workflows are intersecting in new ways every day, 允许敏捷, 具有成本效益的商业模式以及内容所有者跨多个平台将内容货币化的能力. 随着大量数据在日益复杂的供应链中传输, broadcast workflows have become more difficult to 管理, and problems are harder to diagnose. 随着媒体机构将更多的本地和云百家乐软件(来自不同供应商的设备)连接在一起, 来自其他业务单位和合作伙伴组织的百家乐软件,并分发给新设备类型, there is an ever-expanding amount of log and telemetry data. Most of this data gets ignored. 为什么? 广播工程师掌握的信息多到他们无法有效处理, 他们经常关闭警报和警报,因为它们太频繁了. It can be impossible to tell what is and isn’t important, and too often that leaves them in the dark, just hoping for the best.

高级分析可以帮助解决这些问题——理解雪崩般的数据, helping human operators know where to focus, 并在发现故障之前揭示问题可能发生的地方. 紫溪帮助媒体公司利用前所未有的机会,利用这些工具集进行复杂的事件关联, 数据聚合, 深度学习, and virtually limitless applications to improve broadcast workflows.


See Problems Before 的y Happen with 紫溪’s Intelligent Data Platform

紫溪软件定义视频平台(SDVP)可以在任何IP网络上以最低的延迟和最高的可靠性提供直播质量的视频. 拥有十多年的视频直播经验,使用紫溪协议和ZEN Master控制平面, 紫溪对网络动态和视频数据如何传输有着独特的见解.

的 紫溪 Intelligent Data Platform (IDP) is the culmination of years of investments in data architecture, 先进的分析, 机器学习, AI, and event correlation work that enables users to oversee, 管理, 并通过使用学习算法来处理超大数据集和定制智能,提供最终的可见性,从而深入了解它们的输入和输出. While AI and ML are not novel concepts, 到目前为止,它们在广播和媒体行业中基本上没有得到充分利用.

How Does the Intelligent Data Platform Work?

IDP由一个数据总线组成,该数据总线聚合来自紫溪所有端点的数据, 包括编码器, 云服务, networks—any of the 250+ devices and systems with 紫溪 built in. 这些遥测数据被发送到紫溪的云机器学习平台,并输入到不断更新的模型中,其中事件是相关的, and patterns discovered. 系统利用历史数据形成正常行为模型,并生成异常评分. IDP还使用一个预测模型来确定在未来2小时内不可恢复的丢失数据包或流失败的可能性- 紫溪健康评分. 异常值和健康值都被传达给禅师,在那里它们随着时间的推移以指示器和图表的形式显示.

By utilizing more than 3 billion data samples per day, 紫溪的机器学习模型一直在接受准确性和一致性的训练, 随着时间的推移,随着更多的数据在整个平台上聚集,它将继续得到改进. With the SDVP powering the highest value live streams in the world, IDP拥有独特的网络和视频质量遥测技术,可以利用这些优势和其他优势,以各种方式产生前瞻性的数据洞察.

紫溪 Intelligent Data Platform Core 特性


  • Prediction of degraded video and lost packets during a 2-hour window
  • Prediction of offline state
  • 利用事件相关性和各种数据输入来产生有形的数值
  • 基于每个源的100个相关测量,实时不断改进ML
  • Root-Case Analysis indicators for rapid issue solution



  • Continuous graphs of detected anomalies per source over time
  • 基于机器学习的模型学习正常行为以识别偏差(预测分析)
  • 允许工程师使用历史和实时数据更快地查明错误


  • View health score, anomalies, statistics and more over time


  • 沉默的检测
  • 剪音频
  • 空白的图片
  • 静态图像
  • 编码质量
  • 音频水平

Perceptual 视频质量:

  • ePSNR, eVMAF, and eSSIM


  • Real-time error detection and notification
  • Customizable alert thresholds based on your use case
  • ML-based Health score alerting

Intelligent AI-Based Protocol

  • 紫溪.AI Protocol provides real time dynamic ML rate control

What Benefits Will the IDP Bring?

的 IDP provides an immediate and lasting boost to visibility, 生产力, 会否减低营运成本及节省时间,并最终改善向消费者提供的服务质素. With the IDP, broadcast engineers and media organizations can:

  1. Eliminate Data Overload and focus on what is important: IDP的智能警报和运行状况评分有助于筛选和汇总数据趋势,以便团队可以专注于他们需要的地方,而不会被假警报分散注意力.
  2. Be Predictive and Proactive: Fixing problems after system errors is costly and stressful. 相反,预测性和前瞻性维护的成本和简单程度要低几个数量级.
  3. Reduce costs and improve RCA工程师和广播公司需要能够更快、更容易地确定不稳定和故障的根本原因.
  4. 提高生产率: Instead of spending time and money sifting through mountains of data, the IDP efficiently identifies problems.
  5. Achieve Greater Insight and Visibility: 反应性的或 中断修复方法的缺点是缺乏监督,并且受到大量可变性和波动性的影响. IDP在错误和问题成为持续可见的问题之前保持领先.

With the power of 先进的分析, 机器学习, and artificial intelligence, 智能数据平台提供了保证可靠广播操作所需的透明度和控制. 了解更多有关IDP如何在任何IP网络上帮助完善实时视频传输的信息, please visit our website: 紫溪 - Intelligent Data Platform.


紫溪 provides a cloud based and on-premises Software-Defined Video Platform that enables reliable broadcast-quality video delivery over any IP network, any protocol, any cloud provider, and any edge device. 的 company offers technologies for broadcasters, enterprises, over-the-top video providers, and mobile service providers around the world. 的 SDVP makes it easy and economical for media companies to source, 管理、本地化和分发实时事件和24/7实时线性渠道 在广播QoS,安全和大规模,使用任何形式的IP网络或混合IP环境. Over 10+ years, the 紫溪 Enabled Network (ZEN) has grown to over 250 OEM and service providers and serves well 超过700个客户代表了世界上大多数顶级媒体品牌,000+ channels delivered daily. www.紫溪.com

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