
EZDRM - View From The Top 2016

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EZDRM is a premier hosted Digital Rights Management provider with over 15 years of proven industry experience of delivering a complete, studio-approved multi-DRM solution. Our goal is to enable content owners and service operators with a flexible way to monetize their content securely while reaching the broadest possible audience.

The need to reach a wide array of devices is driving the over-the-top video service offerings as the best business practice. As the content protection requirements continue to become more stringent, the ever-growing media consumption audience will increasingly demand an invisible-to-them DRM technology. EZDRM’s services are founded on the core idea of enabling the latest native content security that our clients demand while allowing the end consumers to choose their favorite playback device.

Our flexible and cost-effective approach to key management and license authorization gives our customers the ability to tie DRM into their existing business process. 解决方案是:

  • 完整的. EZDRM’s Universal DRM, a combination of Google’s Widevine Modular and Microsoft’s PlayReady via Common Encryption (CENC) over DASH, combined with EZDRM’s Apple FairPlay Streaming fulfills all the requirements to reach and monetize the broadest audience possible.
  • 可定制的. Our APIs are designed for dynamic, on-demand DRM rule sets tailored to your business while creating new revenue streams for your digital assets.
  • 适应性强的. As content owners continue to diversify their infrastructure, including a mix of on premises and cloud-based solutions for their media delivery, EZDRM’s simple method of DRM key management allows for the easy addition of DRM into any existing work flow.

These core features enable our clients large and small to leverage the full power of DRM through our wide network of partners. For more 信息, please visit www.ezdrm.com

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Suite 21 Yonkers, NY 10701

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