
Best Practices: 4K Capture to HD Streaming

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Read the complete transcript of this clip:

肖恩林: Jef, you talked about, you start with 4K 'cause that's your camera. But then down the line this signal gets processed and you're streaming probably not at 4K, 但在其他方面. 信号流是什么样的? And what hardware is stepping down and doing format conversion? Are you using NDI, format converters, is that all within the switcher?

杰夫Kethley): We're pretty much a TriCaster and Viz Vectar house for our switching solutions. Our encoding is actually going through Livestream Studios, which is a requirement from our client, because they have specific needs that Livestream Studio handles with 紫溪 software encoding, which is one of the things they use in their engine for final distribution. 但我们是4K切换器. 我们正在复习NDI. We convert out of the camera because the camera doesn't have 4K out. None of the cameras nowadays short of the BirdDogs, 但我们不用这些, 而是用任何松下相机, 我们要把它转化出来. So we use different NDI converters--Magewells is where we're landing on; we have a lot of NewTek converters, 当然. 然后我们把它转换成NDI. NDI进入我们的开关, out of our switcher it's going to Livestream Studio, 到底是哪个在编码. That encoding is less than 4K, but the client wants 4K until that point. And so that's what they get when they pay for it.

这就是我们的工作流程. And since we have that workflow in place, it helps us to be able to stream. 这不是“我们能做4K吗??" It's just a matter of turning on the right profile when we're streaming out if we want to do 4K, 和有, 当然, the appropriate bandwidth and everything like that too. But we stay in the NDI world for the most part of it.

肖恩林: 好吧. 科里,你呢? How does your workflow compare to that?

科里本克先生: In our studio we have the new Kairos SMPTE 2110 switcher with the UE150 and the Techopoint system. And so that's our innovation switcher when it's like, “嘿, 我们想做一些2110, because we just want to spend a lot of money and it's awesome." And it is awesome and it's cool, but primarily we have a vMix workflow with Blackmagic gear. And I think we're going to go through cameras later, but I can go through our whole camera chain line.

But we have gone to more of what I call a "Restream.io”类型的工作流. 我们没有使用Restream.io. We're using our Virtual Video Control Room, 但我们现在做的很多事, 我们接受这个项目, 我们进行编码. We'll either use a Haivision encoder, a Videon encoder, or a ClearCaster encoder, or vMix. 主要是这四件事之一. 有时是直播工作室, full disclosure--Jef loves it when I say this--I developed Livestream Studio. So, a little shout-out to an end-of-life product that's still getting used in today's age. 我觉得这太棒了.

And so a lot of what we're doing is distribution in the cloud. We're doing encoding, transcoding, transmixing in the cloud. What that allows us to do is have remote encoding monitors and encoding engineers. 新年祝福语, 例如, we send our program into Virtual Video Control Room into AWS, 然后我们把它发给推奇, YouTube, 脸谱网, 推特, 所有目的地, 原创直播, 等等.

We're going more to that workflow because SRT does allow us to have the reliability of that. Everybody talks about SRT as remote contribution, but one of the things I love about SRT and I've fallen in love with for the last three or four years is its transmission over IP capabilities specifically for distribution. 主要是, 我们正在使用主备用编码器, SRT到云端, and then out to destinations for most of our shows.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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